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Publicity Guidelines and Requests

Want to publicise your event to the school population? Look no further, as this is the page to help you! 

To find out what means of publicity are accessible to you, refer to the guidelines below.


If you are submitting a form ahead of your event (be it for Pre-Event Publicity, or requesting Event Coverage), kindly submit the form following the timeline as stipulated below:


1) Telegram Messages - 2 days

2) Pre-Event Instagram Story - 5 days

3) Request for Live Event Coverage - 10 days

4) Post-Event Instagram Post - on event end day, or the next day if event ended at night


Please submit all publicity requests here:

Do note that post-event Instagram story (Point 4) is compulsory for all events.


For in-real-life events that require Event Coverage, such as photography, kindly fill in the below form as well.

Anchor 1
  • Youtube
  • facebook
  • instagram

NTU Main Campus
Experimental Medicine Building
59 Nanyang Drive
Singapore 636921

​Novena Campus
Headquarters & Clinical Sciences Building
11 Mandalay Road
Singapore 308232

©2024 by LKCMedicine Students' Medical Society

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